Wednesday, 30 September 2009

More making cash with Twitter.

 A few days ago I posted a blog about making cash using Twitter.
Since then I have been doing a lot of research, as an affiliate marketer I am looking at automating processes to save me time and money. At the same time I do not want to be spending a load of money on products, I will however pay for a product that has value to me.

One thing to remember about making money with twitter is that the more followers you have the more money your likely to make.
After going through a lot of different websites and strategies I decided to post a couple of things I found out through my research.

First I found GF Faster  which I joined as a free member, the basics of this are similar to viral marketing where you refer 4 who refer 4 etc. It is totally free to join so just sign up and and promote your link and pretty soon your followeres begin to grow virally.
The great thing about this website is the free bonuses you get, they are supposedly valued at about $10,000.
They are actually quite good, unlike most sites that regurgetate crappy ebooks. The bonus materials are actually a massive list of downloadable webinars on every aspect of affiliate marketing.

These are some awesome bonuses for free, I have listened to a few of them as the list is big it will take a long time to get through them. Just start by picking the most appropriate titles.  , This system gives you a free download where you can start to build your twitter followers and much more direct from your desktop. The free version allows you 250 followers most of who will return the favour and follow you back. It's worth downloading just for the quick turnaround of 250 followers.
If you want to upgrade it's going to cost you, $55 for a single user licence. If you have more than one Twitter account you can buy more licences at discount rates.

Use a Twitter account to earn money, simply use the tactics above to build your followers.
Then go to my other blog Simple Income Builder  to find programs that pay you to tweet their ads to your followers.


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